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The game was so short I played it twice in under a minute. I think it is meant to be played more slowly. I really enjoyed the arrangement of the text and imagery combined with the soundtrack of the rain. It was very lovely :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you! There's no right or wrong speed for playing this super short game and I'm happy that you liked how I visually play with words and that you've enjoyed the mood at your preferred pace 😊 To me, playing this game is like listening to a sentence and imagining the suggested scenes. 

This was so cute! I loved the music and images. Everything came together so nicely.

Thank you again for playing it and enjoying it :)

Your games are so comforting!! I love summer showers (and rain in general) so this game is perfect for me :3 The ascii art was super cute, I really like your use of it~

UwU it's so great that you can relate with these! Oftentimes, I start with an idea (textmode art here) and I try to write different texts until one matches :3 It's fun! (and frustrating at times when you don't find a good idea while everything else is ready!)

a soothing experience <3 !

Awww, so cool! That was my purpose, I'm super happy it was soothing!

Such a nice game :]!

thank you for enjoying this little one! ☺️

Lovely <3

Thank you very much for playing it! 😊

❀ β˜† :)